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Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Abby Trainor holds three pride flags in her outstretched hand
You Can

Explore Identity, Empower Change

Studying diversity and difference in culture and society as it relates to gender, sexuality, and identity

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Why Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies at Lehigh?

Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS) offers the best aspects of a liberal arts education: critical engagement, analytical thinking, interdisciplinary training, and invaluable opportunities to hone the utility of close and careful writing skills. Students will encounter robust and expansive opportunities to think about the complex ways in which gender and sexuality impact and are shaped by race, class and mechanisms of power and the significance of these things on society and human lives within it. Offering a major, minor, and graduate certificate, WGSS is committed to an intersectional model of analysis and ensures that students learn about the significance of diversity and difference in culture and society.

Three students stand next to red dresses hanging from trees
Students sit in a classroom taking notes

Meet our Faculty

Our faculty and affilated staff offer mentorship, academic support, and career advice that fosters community and critical scholarship on questions of gender, sexuality, identity, and difference.

A crowd gathers in front of the Allentown Art Museum to celebrate its opening
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Announcement

Celebrate Women's History Month at Allentown Art Museum

Resources for Students

Stained glass rotunda on the ceiling of a library

Patti T. Ota Award

This award is presented yearly to a graduating senior and a graduate student.

Contact Us

Mary Foltz
Director of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program
Associate Professor of English