Director of Asian & Asian American Studies Program
Associate Chair of the Department of Modern Languages & Literatures
Research Areas: Chinese, Modern Chinese Literature and Film
Research Areas: Chinese, Modern Chinese Literature and Film
Research Areas: East Asian politics and international relations
Research Areas: Japanese Pragmatics, Heritage Language Education
Research Areas: Sociocultural and linguistic anthropology, semiotics, global development policy and practice, labor, youth and education, mobility and migration, Indonesia/Southeast Asia
Research Areas: Tibetan Buddhist modernity, Buddhist ideals of renunciation, miracle narratives, and Buddhist biographies
Research Areas: Contemporary Japanese literature and culture, motherhood, horror
Research Areas: East Asia, Intellectual History, Modern Chine, History of science, Global history
Research Areas: literature, film, and art from the perspectives of gender & sexuality, affect & trauma theories, and memory & history
Research Areas: Sociology of education, gender and inequality in labor market
Research Areas: South Asian politics, civil society organizations, religion and secularism, gender and childhood
Research Areas: Global Anglophone literature and film, Modernist Studies, African American Literature, and Digital Humanities
Research Areas: Chinese, ancient Chinese manuscripts and inscriptions, medicine, divination, and ritual practices