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Study Abroad

Students stand in front of a bridge in Japan
Students in Japan 2023


Students are encouraged to spend a summer, semester, or year in an approved study program in China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, India, or elsewhere in Asia. Students who wish to study abroad, and who wish to have the academic work taken in that program count toward a Lehigh degree, must have a GPA of 2.7 or higher, or a 2.7 average over the last two regular (spring or fall) semesters.  Any student with a lower GPA may petition the Committee on the Standing of Students for an exception to this rule before applying to an approved study abroad program. These programs are open to all LVAIC students subject to the regulations of their home institutions.

Apply for grants! There are a variety of grants available to CAS students for research or experiential learning opportunities! Submit your proposal here.

Ready to Explore the World?

Jorge Amigon Benitez (center) and others in Shanghai.

For information on all programs, consult the Study Abroad Office below.

Pictured: Students in Shanghai, China.

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