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A student paints another student with white face paint to create a skull for a day of the dead celebration
Students celebrate Día de los Muertos


The major in LALS consist of credits completed in language and historical/cultural studies, as well as elective credits that can be taken throughout our curriculum. Students are strongly encouraged to take elective courses in study abroad programs in Latin America and to complete research among Latino communities.


The minor program requires 15 to 16 credit hours of coursework. In addition to regular Lehigh offerings, students may receive credit for appropriate courses at other LVAIC institutions, study abroad programs in Latin America, and various Lehigh-faculty-led programs. Students are encouraged to take advantage of extracurricular activities sponsored by the Latin American and Latino Studies Program, which include guest speakers and exhibits.

Explore specific requirements and courses on the Course Catalog

Requirements Core Courses (8 credits)

A. History/Culture (4 credits) Choose one of the following:

  • LAS/GS/HIST 049 The True Road to El Dorado: Colonial Latin America (4)
  • LAS/GS/HIST 050 Heroes, Dictators, and Revolutionaries: Latin America since Independence (4)
  • LAS/ENGL 105 Intro to Latino/a Literature and Culture (4)
  • LAS/SPAN 152The Cultural Evolution of Latin America (4)

​B. Language (4 credits)

  • Spanish 012 Intermediate Spanish II (4)

C. Elective Courses (7-8 credits)

  • Elective courses (7-8 credits)
  • Credit may be received for other courses, in consultation with the Program Director.

Total Credits 15-16