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Cognitive Science

Students stand in front of a projector screen that reads "30 years Cognitive Science at Lehigh"

The Mysteries of the Mind

Learning how thoughts, experiences, and the senses impact us

About Cognitive Science Program

Why Cognitive Science at Lehigh?

The mission of the Cognitive Science Program is to advance the study of minds and brains, real or artificial, in all their aspects, through research and teaching. This interdisciplinary field, encompassing the fields of psychology, linguistics, computer science, philosophy, anthropology, and neuroscience, provides excellent preparation for life in the age of information.  The program aims to instill in students a solid grasp of the intellectual problems, frameworks, and methodologies currently available; to provide experience exploring these through guided research; and to foster the desire to create and disseminate new knowledge. With this foundation, students are well prepared for a wide variety of careers at the interfaces of technology, minds, brains, and behavior, and for graduate study in Cognitive Science or any of the contributing disciplines.

We offer undergraduate B.A. and B.S. degrees in Cognitive Science, an undergraduate minor, and a graduate certificate. A Cognitive Science major is easy to combine with a second major in the humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, or computer science.

Sarrah Hussain holds up a drawing of a brain
A student responds during a discussion in a classroom

Meet our Faculty

Our community of scholars unities faculty from across colleges at Lehigh, collectively fostering a rich academic environment. 

Skyler Mott leans against a track field fence wearing Lehigh track uniform
A student presents their cognitive science senior thesis proposal
Cognitive Science Announcement

Senior Thesis Proposal Presentations

McKenzie Dominick poses for a photo leaning against a wall and smiling at the camera
University Center of Lehigh University in the early spring

Student Spotlight

Cognitive Science major Ryan Sullivan talks about the program, the field of cognitive science, and why he chose to attend Lehigh.

Ryan Sullivan

Cognitive Science Major

Watch Here

Resources for Students

Contact Us

Jeff Heflin
Director of Cognitive Science Program
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering