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A Year in Japan

Zena Meighan hikes a mountain in Japan

Originally from Las Vegas, Zena Meighan ‘24 fell in love with the Lehigh campus since the green grass was a big change for someone from the desert. Growing up, Meighan always liked languages and had an interest in other countries. She studied Danish when she was young and started learning Japanese in high school. 

Meighan followed her passion for Japanese language and culture and decided to major in it upon entering the College of Arts and Sciences. Her advisors also suggested the Asian studies program which she’s pursuing as a major alongside Japanese.

As a sophomore, Meighan noted she was floundering, unsure of what she was doing besides being a student, but when she went abroad, her world view expanded. Meighan spent her junior year in Japan and said, “it was a life changing experience.” She met fascinating people from all over the world who became close friends. “Being there I really started engaging with people more and realizing the world I live in and what I can do.” Even as a self-proclaimed introvert, her confidence grew and Meighan became truly immersed in the language and culture.

Meighan had high praise for all of her Lehigh professors, especially in the Asian studies and Japanese programs. “I really love everyone in the Asian studies program and I feel like I’m really close with my professors. They are really interesting and really good people.”  And she adds, “I really appreciate them and appreciate how supportive they’ve been of me.” The academics here are wonderful too, she said, and might go to graduate school later on. In July, Meighan will be returning to Japan to teach English.

Spotlight Recipient

Zena Meighan

Undergraduate Student

Article By:

Hayley Frerichs